OZ Color Colorization
At Human Touch Media, our OZ Color colorization technology is a game changer. We specialize in bringing back to life and colorizing archival footage.
Explore the magic of OZ Color with Human Touch Media, where history meets innovation in cinematic preservation.

Many studies show that over 50% of viewers avoid black & white films, and a staggering 90% turn away from subtitled content. Therefore, unique footage in news, history, culture and more is at risk of obscurity due to age, absence of color, deterioration and lack of restoration.
We bring history to a new life with OZ Color colorization. When film footage was shot in black & white a century ago, there was no choice. HTM with colorization, brings history back as it was originally at the time: in full color.
Coloring serves as a common thread with the moments captured by cameramen in the earliest years of cinema, as it preserves decaying film and revitalizes images for future generations. For example, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of WW 1, director Leonardo Tiberi integrated live footage with original restored and colorized archive footage from the Istituto LUCE – Cinecittà archives, resulting in three critically acclaimed feature films: “Fango e Gloria” (Mud and Glory), “Noi eravamo” (We were), “Il Destino degli uomini” (The destiny of men).
Today, at Human Touch Media our innovative OZ Color technology, backed by our proprietary system software, eliminates flicker, regenerates damaged stock, and restores original black & white film. Our procedures and 4K quality restoration have redefined the cinematic experience.